Sims 3 island paradise fix
Sims 3 island paradise fix


Bathrooms are not as huge a necessity as you might think. It's the invisible guests you have to keep in mind, so pay attention to reviews. Thus, think of the majority of your resort guests as "invisible." We'll call this "the invisible guest rule." Your greatest feedback from these guests is in the reviews, where you might see things like complaints about the hot tubs being too crowded, even if you can look around your lot and see that there is plenty of room in the hot tubs. This is most likely because the game can't handle running that many people on one lot while it is also running your visible resort employees, your household Sims, and the entire rest of the town.


You will not actually see very many guests visible at the resort, even at full occupancy. NRAAS Register may still help cut down some of the lag, and you can check the fix list posted with the world fix linked above to edit the town yourself and get the same results. Sadly, if you have already invested a lot of time in an unfixed Isla Paradiso world, this fix will do nothing for your current saved games. The fixed world still has a few lag issues, hence why NRAAS Register becomes necessary. Get the fixed version here and be sure to carefully follow the instructions for backing up the original world and installing the fixed one. If you want to play the Isla Paradiso world, it was shipped unplayable due to lag. Zombies don't seem to do much on resorts, and you really, reeeally want the Supernatural expansion for Bonehildas as will be mentioned later.

sims 3 island paradise fix

A town with only a few lots edited by you will be roughly 500-700mb for 8 saved games. For reference, in a very busy and very modified town with a lot of households personally played, 8 saved games will be about 4.5gb of space. You may think using multiple saves is a no-brainer but I am surprised how many Simmers only have one saved game, or two at most. I also back up all of the saved game folders to a backup folder on my main drive, along with another backup folder on my other hard drive after each play session. I don't save all 8 saves every time of course, so the progress on each saved game would be staggered back in time the further back in the sequence I would have to go to recover from a save corruption. I save through the sequence of numbers that way, over and over, so that if one save corrupts, I have seven others to go back to. After that, I backspace out the numbers and the space, so that I save over my very first saved game again, "Isla Paradiso". So, "Isla Paradiso 2" would be next, then "Isla Paradiso 3" and so on until the last one, "Isla Paradiso 8". I name it something initially, like "Isla Paradiso" (which is the default suggestion for that world), and then add numbers to the saved game name for seven more saves. For example, I have eight saved games for any town I seriously care about. The boat taxi will take you anywhere you need to go. You really do need Overwatch to play Sims 3, so don't bother buying boats at all. Note that Overwatch counts boats as vehicles and may end up deleting your boats during cleanup sessions. Register will let you turn off wild animals, the ability for NPCs to adopt pets, immigration, and tourists, which is very necessary if you are playing the Isla Paradiso world (if you want to play that world, see the last point in this section). It's also good for aging-up NPC pets and babies/toddlers that are causing unroutable Sim issues. Master Controller is technically a huge bank of cheats, but is very useful for getting around game-breaking glitches when nothing else will work.

sims 3 island paradise fix

Overwatch stops your game from grinding to a halt even on the best gaming computers, due to a car-related bug EA hasn't bothered fixing and at this rate, never will.


You should have the NRAAS mods Master Controller (with Master Controller Integration), Overwatch, and Register installed. The other basics, related to Sims 3 in general and very necessary for resorts: If you got to this blog post via a Google search and are looking for a specific tip, scan the content below or use the Find command (ctrl+f for most browsers) to jump to specific keywords. Seriously, go read it if you're just starting out on resort ownership, then come back here. Read Carl's Resort guide, a real life-saver for any budding resort owner. You can check that out by clicking here if it tickles your fancy.

sims 3 island paradise fix

I now have six resorts built, which make a good rundown of how many amenities various amounts of guests expect, complete with pictures of the individual resort designs. I hope that the information here spares people from having to Google problems over and over, fishing through forum posts like I did. This is a work in progress, so it may see some edits down the line.

Sims 3 island paradise fix